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Environmental Considerations

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report is being prepared to accompany the planning application for the Eastern Access Road.


Hover over the various categories below for more information. 


The Council via the West Edinburgh Transport Assessment Refresh are committed to a new road in this area to serve the Airport and the International Business Gateway development site.  


The application will be supported by a Transport Assessment. The site is currently undergoing a detailed assessment to fully establish the highways impacts of the proposed development.

Noise and Vibration

Noise assessments will be submitted alongside the planning application and preliminary assessments are underway.


The preferred alignment moves the road as far away as possible from sensitive receptors – ie. the residential properties at Gogar Mains and Gogar Castle.

Air Quality

There are no Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) within the boundary, the nearest are 2km away.


Assessments are underway and an Air Quality Impact Assessment will be submitted with the planning application. 


Initial consultation regarding the Air Quality Assessment has been undertaken with CEC.

Biodiversity and Nature Conservation

There are no statutory designated sites of nature conservation value within 2km of the proposed route of the eastern access road.


 But, there is a Local Nature Conservation site at the Gogar Burn.  The preferred alignment keeps the new sections of road as far away as possible from this.

Flooding and Drainage

There are areas that are important for flood management adjacent to the Gogar Burn. The preferred alignment means that new sections of road are at no risk of flooding from the Gogar Burn.


Any surface water from the proposed new road sections will be treated to mitigate any potential pollutants in accordance with the Simple Index Approach (SIA).

Built Heritage

There are no conservation areas within 2km of the boundary and no built heritage assets within the boundary. 


There are 5 listed buildings including and adjacent to Gogar Castle.  The preferred alignment keeps the new sections of road as far away as possible from these.


A geophysical survey has been undertaken of the site and discussions are ongoing with CEC’s archaeologist. It is highly unlikely that any archaeological remains, if present, would have survived the high degree of intrusive activity that has undergone in the area. An Archaeology Assessment will be prepared as a separate supporting document to be submitted with the planning application.      

Ground conditions and contamination

Ground conditions and contamination surveys are currently underway and the results of these coupled with any necessary mitigation measures will be dealt with in the planning application.

Landscape and Visual Impact

The alignment of the road and its context (adjacent to the railway and within Edinburgh Airport) coupled with the fact that for the majority of its lengths is will have the characteristics of a single carriageway urban road means that it will not be unusual or stand out in the current landscape and so it is unlikely that there would be any significantly negative landscape effects.

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